Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the most frequently asked questions for our Chapter membership. If you don’t find your question answered below, please feel free to contact us at anytime!

When and where do Chapter meetings take place?

Meetings are generally the second Saturday of each month at our sponsoring delaership, Williams Harley-Davidson; 1100 US Rt 22 West, Lebanon, NJ. Please check the calendar for updates and changes. Our meetings are always open for potential members, so come on down and introduce yourself!

How much does it cost to join? 

The annual membership dues are $30/year. On or after November 1st, you may pay the discounted membership fee of $15.00 for the current year. For more information, please visit our membership page.

Do I have to own a Harley?

Well, it is a HOG club where the “H” stands for Harley – so yes. In order to join Hunterdon HOG, you have to be a member of National HOG. To join National HOG, you have to have a Harley and Vin number of the bike to join…. taking the comment directly from “Who’s it for? Owners of Harley-Davidson® motorcycles only. Just supply your VIN.” However, they do have associate memberships if you are not a rider, but a passenger of a rider. Check out the National HOG membership page for more details.

Can I go on the chapter rides or participate in other chapter events even if I did not attend the monthly chapter meeting?

While we strongly encourage attendance at our Chapter meetings as a means of staying informed about Hunterdon HOG, members are always welcome to participate in all Chapter events.

Will I be able to bring a guest on Chapter Rides?

Members are welcome to bring a guest on rides. We simply ask that you and/or your guest fill out a liability waiver for that particular ride or event. Please bring a signed copy of the Chapter Event Release Form for ADULTS or Chapter Event Release Form for MINORS as applicable to the event and give it to one of our officers or road captains.

If I go on a ride with the Chapter, is it ok to have a beer when we stop for lunch?

Our Chapter is a dry Chapter. There is a no alcohol policy while on a Chapter ride. Our rides end at the destination. If we are riding to a lunch stop, the ride ends there. If you wish to return with the group, we ask that you refrain from having an alcoholic beverage.

Do I need to be a member of National HOG to be a member of Hunterdon HOG?

Members of Hunterdon HOG must be current with their National HOG membership in order to be a member of Hunterdon HOG

Can I go on rides with the Chapter if I am a new rider or not familiar with group riding?

New riders and riders not familiar with group riding can go on our rides. After all, this Chapter is for everyone. We understand however, that some people are a little apprehensive about participating, so we make it easy for you. Let one of the officers know how you feel. We will answer any questions, show you the ropes as the saying goes, to help you feel comfortable. We put together new member rides, we go over hand signals, we go over how to ride in a group etc. If you are a new rider, or you are not familiar with group riding, always touch base with a Road Captain prior to going out on the ride.

Where do I get my Hunterdon HOG Patches?

Patches can be purchased at the monthly Chapter Meetings.

Why should I join Hunterdon County HOG?

If you like to ride a motorcycle and share the passion and camaraderie with a few, or dozens or even hundreds of other riders then Hunterdon HOG is for you. You decide the level of participation that you want to experience with no pressure, no hassle and nothing but fun, safe riding. We typically ride early spring into late fall with a number who ride year round. We have a full calendar during the year of hour long rides, ½ day rides, full day rides and many overnight rides.

Our membership officer and/or the new member liaison contacts each new member when they sign up in order for you to ask and get answers to any questions to make you feel comfortable. The officer puts together several new members’ rides throughout the year, introducing you to other Chapter members and the officers.

It’s not just the riding. We also have events such as bike nights, barbeques, safety courses, open houses and charity fund raising. We also have a Holiday party in December. If you like to eat food, and/or ice cream, this Chapter is for you!

How can I stay informed of Chapter Events?

⇒ Look for updates on the Hunterdon HOG website

⇒ Subscribe to HOG email newsletter

⇒ Attend monthly Chapter meetings

⇒ Keep up with our social media sites: